This is a circa 1920s bike that I'm thinking of buying and fixing up. It's in fairly rag order, but the bits that are most important are still sound. The wheels (possibly including rims) and chain will definitely need replacing, but that is necessary in a lot newer bikes than this one! Look at the brake system, it's amazing! They are called rod brakes, and it's still possible to get brake blocks and everything for them. The bike is in Watford, which is around an hour out of London, but they claim that the wheels still turn, so i reckon I can get it back to the flat for some extensive surgery.
I'll keep ye posted! All that's needed now is a good name for it...
Hey, I just posted these responses to your very kind comment on my blog, but I'll re-post it here, just in case you don't see it there. Let me double-urge you to send me photos and consider writing a post about your possible? new old bike. I'm very jealous that you live in London, where old bikes like this seem to be everywhere. In San Diego, it's mostly "beach cruisers" which are the god-awful-ugliest things you've ever seen.
Hi Margaret,
Thanks for the nice comment. Be warned that my experiences taking apart *this* old bike should not be taken as an indication that *every* old bike is as easy. My Peugeot, for example, is proving a bit fussier. Hey, send me photos of your "mystery bike" project and I'll post them. I'd love to have you write a post or two about what you're doing with it. Obviously, money is no object (since I don't have any to pay you).
and on the paint:
Yeah, well, about the paint. I used rattle-can spray paint from the local hardware store, topped off with clear coat. I am not totally happy with the durability of the paint, it seems to knick rather easily. I probably won't paint a bike again myself, but hey, you don't know until you try, do you?
I can't wait to see some new photos--I'm jealous you get to work on this. If you want, you can send photos and/or a paragraph about what you plan to do with it to me at bahdet[at]gmail[dot]com and I'll post it on the Old Bike Blog. I'd especially like to see some close-ups of various parts like the rod brakes, front sprocket, etc. Maybe we can get some help identifying it, too.
Hi love the blog. I have just picked up a bike from south London that looks very similar. Needs a complete strip down like yours. Has yours got gears? Mine is single gear.
I just finished rebuilding a Cinelli Super Corsa circa 1964 and that looks great. This one is much simper so should not take so long. Keep posting progress. Andy working in London.
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